18-19 Jan 2024 Milan (Italy)

Call for papers

EUDN Scientific Conference, Milan, January 18-19, 2024

Dear EUDN Colleagues,

Our next EUDN Scientific Conference will be hosted by the Laboratory For Effective Antipoverty Policies (LEAP) at  Bocconi University on January 18-19, 2024.

The program of the conference will consist of about 12 papers, spread over 2 days. As usual, we welcome submissions on all aspects of development economics.

Please make your submission (PDF, full papers only) through the online form:


The deadline for submissions is October 31. The EUDN executive committee will act as a selection committee and the final selection will be communicated to you in mid-November.

The organizers will do their best to cover accommodation and travel costs for presenters and EUDN participants. If you have own funds that you can use to cover your expenses, this is highly appreciated and will help cover the costs of junior participants.

As past experience has revealed, the success of our conference very much hinges on a nice blend of papers by senior members and junior researchers who are actual or potential associate members. Full members should, therefore, not hesitate submitting a paper so as to ensure a balanced program. A EUDN member should sponsor submissions from non-member academics.

We look forward to seeing many of you in Milan in January.

Best regards,

Lucia Corno & Sylvie Lambert

(Executive committee members are : Erwin Bulte, Tessa Bold, Lucia Corno, Michael Grimm, Sylvie Lambert and Alice Mesnard.)

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